Student Handbook - Attendance Policy

ABSENCES (K - 12th)

In order for your child to gain the most in school, regular attendance is very important. Excused absences are permitted for the following reasons:

1. Sickness of child

2. Death in family

3. Medical and dental appointments

4. Extreme emergencies

Upon returning to school after any absence, a written note must be submitted to the teacher. Any student leaving the building during the day or prior to the close of the school day, must bring a note to the teacher in order to receive permission to leave.


Any absence for reasons other than those listed above are unexcused. Vacation, business trips, and hair cuts are unexcused absences. Notes from parents in advance are required for absences for special reasons. All work missed must be made up by the student. We strongly urge that these absences be held to a minimum and only in extreme cases.

TARDIES (K - 12th)

A child is counted tardy after the school day begins. If a child is tardy for more than one hour, he is considered absent for a half-day. Unavoid-able delays such as car trouble, late buses, bad weather conditions, etc. which render a student tardy to school, will be excused. All other tardies, i.e. oversleeping, etc., will be unexcused. Students arriving after the beginning of school must report to the school office to receive authorization to enter class. (Three tardies equals one absence.)


We follow the Warren County School District calendar. In case of school cancellation or delays, announcements will be made on local radio stations.